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iOS as BLE Peripheral and Central Mode issues

Ask Time:2019-02-12T14:36:49         Author:sandy

Json Formatter

I'm creating new app in iOS using BLE (I'm new to BLE Concept) which need to act as both peripheral and central. I have read lot's of question regarding BLE but I could not find solution for my issues. So, how can I overcome with this issues listed below.

(1). iOS as central & android as peripheral - in this case how to identify the device and which is the unique id for that device, even if I found the list of peripherals around my central it does not have a service data which consists of UUID, Major, Minor value in advertisement packets

(2). iOS as peripheral & iOS as central - in this case how to send service data with UUID, Major, Minor values in advertisement packets and it should be accessible by iOS central

Help me with whats on your mind, even it might be a small hint/note/suggestion it's highly valuable for me. Thanks in advance.

I expect the outcome in both scenario (1).iOS central & android peripheral (2).iOS central & iOS peripheral is to read its service data (UUID, Major , Minor), but the actual outcome is empty service data.

Author:sandy,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/54644146/ios-as-ble-peripheral-and-central-mode-issues