Home:ALL Converter>Possible to hack BLE peripheral mode support in Android?

Possible to hack BLE peripheral mode support in Android?

Ask Time:2013-12-18T05:20:25         Author:Russell Sullivan

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This blog post from radius networks discusses how Android devices can not yet be used as iBeacons (AKA: BLE peripheral mode) even if the device's hardware supports BLE, because Android has no APIs for BLE peripheral mode.

NOTE: BLE means Bluetooth Low Energy

After reading this section, I am gonna suggest something stupid

Because their SDK only supports the central role, “advertising” a service as a central server means sitting their quietly, only revealing (or “advertising”) its service characteristics to another device in peripheral mode after a connection is already established. This connection establishment requires another device to do the actual radio advertising first. Samsung’s SDK isn’t going to do it.

Is it possible to trick the device in central mode (the Samsung phone) into thinking another device in peripheral mode has established a connection to it and then get the central mode to "advertise". Can you trick the phone by faking the connection in software?

Probably a stupid idea, probably it's possible to trick the device in central mode, but the "advertisement" is not the BLE peripheral mode advertisement and would not resemble an iBeacon in peripheral mode.

I very much need BLE peripheral mode support from Android and for the moment I would be ok with hacking something, in the hopes that Android is going to eventually support this feature-set, which BTW is already a feature request

Author:Russell Sullivan,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20644907/possible-to-hack-ble-peripheral-mode-support-in-android