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Cross Platform AES CryptLib

Ask Time:2020-11-11T15:43:33         Author:Nilay Singh

Json Formatter

I am trying to convert the logic of Crypt Lib in js I have existing android application and the API is in c sharp and I want to convert encrypt and decrypt logic.

I have tried multiple variations you can check the code: Tried code

I have a sample data which I want to decrypt and the data is:


Here I have the encrypted data in Data and IV so when I am trying to decrypt this data I can't find any solution. All the encrypt and decrypt function is in csharp and android code. But I want to convert the same logic in golang.

The logic in Node

I have tried this code:

    iv := []byte("Vmr-uU5mA2_Zr_13")
    key := []byte("<Secret_Key")

    text := []byte("bvtkHfZiTsY0CX6QmHhCboBwXeY9RZVPpdhhdIy6aSwCTVI7YiEGha1aXTIKY4BocGdNIbWkreQHZcTk4WE6F2tQLoVyWERYCGZotbDzxxs=")

    cipherBlock, err := aes.NewCipher(key)
    if err != nil {

    cipher.NewCBCDecrypter(cipherBlock, iv).CryptBlocks(text, text)

Full link to the code and I am getting error:

crypto/aes: invalid key size 64

Author:Nilay Singh,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/64782331/cross-platform-aes-cryptlib