Home:ALL Converter>CMAC-AES hashing with PHP

CMAC-AES hashing with PHP

Ask Time:2012-11-09T07:42:52         Author:Jeof

Json Formatter

Our API platform using CMAC-AES hashes as the signature for a request. We have libraries available for creating this hash in Java and .NET but need to find a solution for PHP as well. Problem is I can't find anything that seems to reliably generate a hash that matches the CMAC being generated on our server or via the Java/.NET library.

The only library I found is CryptLib, an alpha library.


But it's not generating the same hash and I'm not good enough with crypto to understand why (it's forcing block sizes to 16 for AES, when what I find online says AES block size is 128).

Any other avenues I can go down?

Author:Jeof,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13299876/cmac-aes-hashing-with-php