Home:ALL Converter>Django haystack: writing a whoosh index to an S3 Bucket?

Django haystack: writing a whoosh index to an S3 Bucket?

Ask Time:2011-10-10T23:54:50         Author:null

Json Formatter

How can I configure my django app to write the haystack/whoosh index to an S3 bucket?

I can't find any information on how to get going with this topic. Incidentally I am using Heroku for deployment.

Django storages looks promising, but documentation is very thin. Unsure if I could set WHOOSH_PATH as a storage object anyway?

Seeing as the haystack whoosh backend file has rules on setup like:

if self.use_file_storage and not os.access(settings.HAYSTACK_WHOOSH_PATH, os.W_OK):
            raise IOError("The path to your Whoosh index '%s' is not writable for the current user/group." % settings.HAYSTACK_WHOOSH_PATH)

line 90- haystack/backends/whoosh_backend.py

EDIT: I gave up on Whoosh (& heard it slower than Solr anyway); though it is perhaps common knowledge, Websolr is a fantastically easy way to get search on your Heroku-deployed Django app.

Author:null,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7715460/django-haystack-writing-a-whoosh-index-to-an-s3-bucket
Adam Charnock :

Disclaimer: I am not familiar with Haystack & Whoosh beyond the quick look I have taken at their sites, but you did ping me on Twitter, so here are my thoughts :)\n\nThat being said... it sounds to me like the latency to S3 (even from an EC2 instance) would be prohibitive to storing your search indexes in there.\n\nIf it were I, I would save myself the trouble and (if you have not done so already), take a look at the Heroku addons page. You can use any of the following for somewhere between free and cheap for small projects:\n\n\nIndexTank\nSolr\nSphinx\n\n\nI hope the helps a little!\n\nAdam",