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What is a Data warehouse in this use case

Ask Time:2014-01-27T12:32:49         Author:user6123723

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I'm trying to figure out the difference (between tools/services/programs) between Data Warehouse, Clustered Data Processing and the tools/infrastructure for querying a Data Warehouse

So Let's say I have the following setup to perform some data processing for a certain use case

Hadoop Cluster for Distributed Data processing
Hive for providing infrastructure and Functions for querying data from a data warehouse
My data sitting in an RDBMS or a NoSQL database

In the above example, what exactly is the Data Warehouse? My naive brain thinks that it is the RDBMS or the NoSQL database in the above context is the Data warehouse. But by definition, isn't a Data warehouse a database used for reporting and data analysis? (Definition shamelessly stolen from Wikipedia). So can I call a traditional RDBMS/NoSQL database a Data Warehouse? Thanks.

Author:user6123723,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21373068/what-is-a-data-warehouse-in-this-use-case