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Data warehouse FactTable

Ask Time:2016-11-02T13:16:01         Author:John Doe

Json Formatter

I am trying to use this to learn how about data warehousing and having trouble understanding the concept of the fact table.


What would be some queries that I could run to find information from the faceable, and what questions do they answer.

Author:John Doe,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/40372926/data-warehouse-facttable
Santhoopa Jayawardhana :

A fact table is used in the dimensional model in data warehouse design. A fact table is found at the center of a star schema or snowflake schema surrounded by dimension tables.\n\nA fact table consists of facts of a particular business process e.g., sales revenue by month by product. Facts are also known as measurements or metrics. A fact table record captures a measurement or a metric.\n\nExample of fact table - \nIn the schema below, we have a fact table FACT_SALES that has a grain which gives us a number of units sold by date, by store and by product.\n\nAll other tables such as DIM_DATE, DIM_STORE and DIM_PRODUCT are dimensions tables. This schema is known as the star schema.\n\n",
Radu Maftei :

Let's translate this a bit.\n\nFirstly, in a fact table we usually enter numeric values ( rarely Strings , char's ,or other data types). \n\nThe purpose of a fact table is to connect with the KEYS of dimensional tables ,other fact tables (fact tables more rarely, and also not a good practice) AND measurements ( and by measurements I mean numbers that change frequently like Prices , Quantities , etc.).\n\nLet's take an example:\n\nThink about a row from a fact table as an product from a supermarket when you pass it by the check out and it get's scanned. What will be displayed in the check out row in your database fact table? Possibly:\n\nProduct_ID | ProductName | CustomerID | CustomerName | InventoryID | StoreID | StaffID | Price | Quantity ... etc.\n\nSo all those Keys and measurements are bringed together in one fact table, having some big performance and understandability advantage.",
Shahidul Islam Molla :

Fact Table Contain all Primary key of Dimension table and Measure like \"Sales Amount\"\n\n",
Rich :

A Fact table is a table that stores your measurements of a business process. Here you would record numeric values that apply to an event like a sale in a store. It is surrounded by dimension tables which give the measurement context (which store? which product? which date?).\nUsing the dimensions you can ask lots of questions of your facts, like how many of a particular product have been sold each month in a region.",