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Processing JavaScript complex object

Ask Time:2014-07-01T20:18:07         Author:SharpCoder

Json Formatter

I have following JavaScript array var arr = ['1', '2', '3', '4' ];

I want to convert this object into a single string such that I it should produce following output: 1 + 2 + 3 + 4. This is working fine with the help of join function.

arr.join(' + ') produces the desired output.

Problem is my simple array is now been converted into a complex object:

var data = [
    "key": "1",
    "IsData": true
    "key": "2",
    "IsData": false
    "key": "3",
    "IsData": true
    "key": "4",
    "IsData": false

I can loop over this object and produce the desired result 1 + 2 + 3 + 4.

I want to know if there is a smarter way (WITHOUT LOOPING) to get the desired output. May be by using library like lodash or jquery

Author:SharpCoder,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24510100/processing-javascript-complex-object
Rajaprabhu Aravindasamy :

Try to use Array.prototype.map(),\n\ndata.map(function(val){ return val.key }).join(' + ');\n\n\nDEMO",
Cᴏʀʏ :

If you're already using jQuery, it too has a map() function:\n\nvar output = $.map(data, function(obj) { return obj.key; }).join(' + ');\n\n\njsFiddle Demo",
xio4 :

Try this:\n\ndata.reduce(function(pstr, co) {\n return pstr+\" + \"+co.key; \n}, \"\").slice(3);\n",