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Python complex event processing

Ask Time:2010-09-14T15:54:32         Author:c0dem4gnetic

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Are there any Python alternatives similar to Esper (Java and .NET) that deal with complex event processing (CEP)?

Author:c0dem4gnetic,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3707000/python-complex-event-processing
Peter Andersson :

The ruleCore CEP Server uses dynamically loaded Python modules which can be used to extend it. The internal architecture is build around a central event bus which uses a pub/sub approach. So each module can subscribe to internal events and publish events based on logic inside the module.",
Kerinin :

The Kaskada project isn't exactly a CEP tool, but it has some similarities to CEP systems and provides a Python client designed for notebook environments like Jupyter.\nFor example, you can query for things like "how many pageviews have occurred since the last time a user made a purchase":\nPageView | count(window=since(Purchase))\n\nKaskada's query language is based on the idea of a timeline, and many of the operations provided by CEP languages (followed-by, repeated, etc) have analogs in Kaskada's query language.\nDisclaimer: I am a contributor to the Kaskada project.",
Jacob Oscarson :

Casual browsing indicates that this is not a very common problem domain for Python (although very interesting!). The framework that closest come to my mind is PEAK-Rules or dynrules.\n\nThere might be more, but not widely known (I'll search a bit more)\n\nFor your own digging: the place to find Python projects is first and foremost PyPI.\n\n(@cues7a: Twisted, while indeed being an event framework, is too low-level to be comparable to Esper.)\n\nEdit: It seems you can control Sybase's CEP products with Python",