Home:ALL Converter>console.log() in windows 8 javascript/visual studio 2012

console.log() in windows 8 javascript/visual studio 2012

Ask Time:2012-10-21T19:18:43         Author:Arvin

Json Formatter

When I use console.log("Some text output") in javascript in Visual Studio 2012 for Windows 8 metro programming where is the text being sent to? Where can I view it? I've got the "Output" panel up but I do not see the log text.

Am I not using the right function? Is there another function I must use to print to Output?

Author:Arvin,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12997314/console-log-in-windows-8-javascript-visual-studio-2012
ThiefMaster :

To actually see the JavaScript console select DEBUG > Windows > JavaScript Console in the Visual Studio menus. Then you can use the good old console.log() to write to it, but you can also use the related WinJS functions:\n\nThere is WinJS.log() to log something after creating the function with WinJS.Utilities.startLog():\n\nWinJS.Utilities.startLog({type: \"info\", tags: \"custom\" });\nWinJS.log(\"my message\", \"info\", \"custom\");\n\n\n\n\nHere's some additional information on the WinJS logging functions:\n\n\n startLog(options): Configures a logger that writes messages containing the specified tags to the JavaScript console.\n\n\nThe options object must contain a type which is supposed to be one of error, warn, info or perf. Unless you want to capture all log entries, also add tags to the object containing a space-separated list of tags you want to be logged.\n\nWinJS.log(message, tags, type): This function does not exist by default. However, it is created by your startLog() call. You could also create it manually but since you want logging to the console using startLog() is the way to go.",
Paulius Uza :

If you need to debug the application in a live environment, you can use a simple on-screen console.log replacement, which you can activate using the ~ key.\n\nSource code here:\nhttps://gist.github.com/4012355",
bhiku :

You can also view the log through the EventViewer. Here are the steps to enable this:\n\nOpen Event Viewer\nNavigate to Application and Services Log\nExpand Microsoft/Windows/AppHost\nLeft click to select Admin\nRight click Admin and then select View => Show Analytic and Debug Logs",