Home:ALL Converter>Blend for visual studio 2012 disabled for non windows 8 development in update 2 final

Blend for visual studio 2012 disabled for non windows 8 development in update 2 final

Ask Time:2013-04-06T14:28:44         Author:Syaiful Nizam Yahya

Json Formatter

When Visual Studio 2012 is released, Blend for Visual Studio 2012 is only enabled for Windows 8 App development. Theres Blend sketchflow preview for visual studio 2012 for other than windows 8 development. Later, Update 2 ctp is released and Blend for visual studio 2012 is enabled for non windows 8 development. Few day ago, Update 2 final is released and Blend for visual studio 2012 is disabled for non windows 8 development.

My question is, how can i enabled Blend for Visual Studio 2012 for non windows 8 development? preview version have unbearable bugs(tfs on slow connection). i hate microsoft for forcing us to upgrade to its crappy os just so i can use the latest dev tools.

Author:Syaiful Nizam Yahya,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15847834/blend-for-visual-studio-2012-disabled-for-non-windows-8-development-in-update-2