Home:ALL Converter>ESP8266 display received http response

ESP8266 display received http response

Ask Time:2016-01-02T18:55:58         Author:Storm

Json Formatter

I am working with an ESP8266 module. I have succesfully created a sketch, that sends a HTTP request to my local server. The server sends response, however, I am unable to display it in the Serial monitor of Arduino IDE. I could not find anywhere on the Internet, how to display the received message. The only thing I am able to display is the whole GET request.

Is it even possible to get, parse and display the response from the server? If so, could anyone provide a code sample?

Author:Storm,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34565090/esp8266-display-received-http-response