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Migration of Angular 5 to Angular 6

Ask Time:2018-09-18T21:37:34         Author:V5NEXT

Json Formatter

I am following Angular migration tutorial to migrate from Angular 5 to 6.


After completing the entire process of migration, on trying to run application using ng serve, an error appears

The Angular CLI configuration format has been changed, and your existing configuration can be updated automatically by running the following command: ng update @angular/cli

I did as recommended but the issue still persists.

Angular Cli 6+ have angular.json instead of angular-cli.json. But shouldn't it be updated while updating the package.

I referred their git conversation. It says to use ng update and the file structure would automatically update, but mine haven't.


Author:V5NEXT,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/52387885/migration-of-angular-5-to-angular-6