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Python: solve system of linear integer equations with approximate values of x

Ask Time:2018-10-26T16:01:30         Author:user3419643

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I want to solve a system of 8 linear integer equations, A y = b.

It's clear that if I knew the exact value of the coefficients I should use one of the methods described here: Solve system of linear integer equations in Python but in my case I have a matrix like

Corrected matrix

and the value of x is known only approximately (and det(A) is approximately 0, but not exactly 0). Is there any way to find a solution of the system in such a case?

Author:user3419643,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/53004139/python-solve-system-of-linear-integer-equations-with-approximate-values-of-x