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GDAL libraries, who does what

Ask Time:2018-11-10T01:29:36         Author:Yvain

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I'm struggling installing GDAL on ubuntu 16.04 to work with GeoDjango (Django 2.1, python3), so I need to understand what I'm actually installing.

What is the rôle of each library/package/module ?


  • gdal-bin (A 'C' library containing the actual functions ?)

  • python-gdal (The same in python, or just some kind of bridge ?)

  • python3-gdal (see above, but for python3. Does it need python-gdal ?)


  • gdal
  • pygdal

What is the link between pip modules and apt packages here ?

Author:Yvain,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/53230645/gdal-libraries-who-does-what