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Responsive named grid-template-columns?

Ask Time:2019-02-24T01:22:59         Author:user4630

Json Formatter

How does the naming grid-template-columns work in relation to media queries and responsiveness?

I'm trying to learn this and started with a very basic 2 column grid, from tablet and above its a 50/50 grid however, tablet below i want it on top of each other.

I'm using the fr unit so 1fr for each side when i want it 50/50 but how do it tell it to ignore that on mobile?

auto doesn't seem to work and neither does 100%.

This is what i have so far. Grid setup:

.f-2-grid {
  grid-template-columns: [left-side] auto [right-side] auto;

@media (min-width: 46.25em) {
  .f-2-grid {
    grid-template-columns: [left-side] 1fr [right-side] 1fr;

Targeting the 2 columns:

.footer-contact.f-2-grid-box {
  grid-column: left-side;

.follow-icons.f-2-grid-box {
  grid-column: right-side;

I'm sure this is a simple idea and apologies for the simple question but cannot seem to find the correct way from all the tutorials I've read.

Author:user4630,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/54844101/responsive-named-grid-template-columns
arieljuod :

If you want it to have only one colum on mobile, define only one:\n\n@media (min-width: 46.25em) {\n .f-2-grid {\n grid-template-columns: 100%;\n }\n}\n\n\nAnd you should probably remove the explicit grid-column property since it will only be 1 column.\n\nI'm not sure if that's what you were asking.",