Home:ALL Converter>apksigner fails when using openssl certificates directly with cordova apk

apksigner fails when using openssl certificates directly with cordova apk

Ask Time:2019-03-11T10:59:39         Author:CamM

Json Formatter

TLDR: apksigner sign -key rsa_der.key -cert x509.cert app.apk fails when directly using a certificate and key generated by openssl which are not stored in a keystore.

I am wanting to get apksigner working for use on our CI server, however, I'd prefer not to generate a java keystore file on each build, or store one securely between builds.

The app is a cordova app, built with cordova build android --release.

I did the following to create a certificate and key in the expected formats. I have tried a variety of ways of generating the certificate and key, the following is the most terse. (nb. passphrase.txt contains a large password, all commands executed on a Fedora 29 machine)

$ openssl req -x509 -days 9125 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout rsa_pem.key -out x509.cert # generate certificate & key
$ openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -inform PEM -outform DER -in rsa_pem.key -out rsa_der.key -passout file:passphrase.txt # convert key over to DER formatted pkcs8, as required by apksigner

Attempting to use the certificate and key to sign an apk fails:

$ apksigner sign -key rsa_der.key --key-pass file:passphrase.txt -cert x509.cert app.apk
Failed to load signer "signer #1"
java.security.spec.InvalidKeySpecException: Failed to load PKCS #8 encoded private key from ./rsa_der.key
    at com.android.apksigner.ApkSignerTool$SignerParams.loadPrivateKeyAndCertsFromFiles(ApkSignerTool.java:911)
    at com.android.apksigner.ApkSignerTool$SignerParams.loadPrivateKeyAndCerts(ApkSignerTool.java:665)
    at com.android.apksigner.ApkSignerTool$SignerParams.access$500(ApkSignerTool.java:615)
    at com.android.apksigner.ApkSignerTool.sign(ApkSignerTool.java:269)
    at com.android.apksigner.ApkSignerTool.main(ApkSignerTool.java:89)
Caused by: java.security.spec.InvalidKeySpecException: Not an RSA, EC, or DSA private key
    at com.android.apksigner.ApkSignerTool$SignerParams.loadPkcs8EncodedPrivateKey(ApkSignerTool.java:968)
    at com.android.apksigner.ApkSignerTool$SignerParams.loadPrivateKeyAndCertsFromFiles(ApkSignerTool.java:909)
    ... 4 more

As stated above, I'd prefer to not create and delete a keystore on every build, or need to store it between builds.

What am I doing wrong?

Author:CamM,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/55094683/apksigner-fails-when-using-openssl-certificates-directly-with-cordova-apk