Home:ALL Converter>How to assign Project to GHI or Hub (Github) Issue in CommandLine?

How to assign Project to GHI or Hub (Github) Issue in CommandLine?

Ask Time:2019-09-17T20:44:04         Author:mysamza

Json Formatter

My workflow is such, that I have a Project in Github.

In my VS Code, I use Hub to open a new Issue, at the time of opening, I can assign labels, however, there is no support for adding Project at the command line for hub.

I want to find a way to also assign Project value in the command line as my Project in Github has Automated Column TO DO (Kanban board) that if a new Issue is created, drops a card in this TO DO Column, and once I commit with reference to that Issue it moves it to Completed Column since that too is automated.

Is there any way I can add Project at the command line using GHI or Hub or any other tool?

Thanks a lot in advance!

Author:mysamza,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/57974497/how-to-assign-project-to-ghi-or-hub-github-issue-in-commandline