Home:ALL Converter>how to restart mysql service from mysql docker container

how to restart mysql service from mysql docker container

Ask Time:2018-10-25T23:35:37         Author:Serega Belous

Json Formatter

I'm using tommylau/mysql docker image which provides mysql installed.

But after all i can't find how to restart mysql service inside running container (there is no mysql service or /etc/init.d/mysqld)

Any idea how to find how to restart mysql?

Author:Serega Belous,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/52993172/how-to-restart-mysql-service-from-mysql-docker-container
mtt_g :

If you log into the container and attempt to restart the service it will essentially kill the container at the point in which the mysql process stops and therefore it'll never start (as the container has exited).\n\nThe best way is to simply restart the container using the following command:\n\ndocker restart [ContainerID]\n",