Home:ALL Converter>Benefits and drawbacks of using Hive Warehouse Connector over Hadoop File Location

Benefits and drawbacks of using Hive Warehouse Connector over Hadoop File Location

Ask Time:2020-02-25T14:10:24         Author:GihanDB

Json Formatter

Normally we are using the Hadoop file location of the hive table to access data from our spark ETLs. Are there any benefits of using Hive Warehouse Connector instead of our current approach? And is there any drawback of using the Hive Warehouse connector for ETLs?

Author:GihanDB,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/60388471/benefits-and-drawbacks-of-using-hive-warehouse-connector-over-hadoop-file-locati