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How to Build a ubuntu docker container with postgres installed in?

Ask Time:2020-03-18T18:24:10         Author:Lost111

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Here is the challenge, I've written a program in python with pyqt5 and some others libraries including postgresql, now the question is, how could build a docker ubuntu container with postgresql installed in ? And I have to set up the postgres user as postgres and password as 1234 in order to make everything working well.

I'am lost in how to write well the Dockerfile and respecting all exigence.

Thanks in advance for the solution and if something wasn't clear ask me a question than I will clarify in few minutes.

Author:Lost111,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/60737540/how-to-build-a-ubuntu-docker-container-with-postgres-installed-in