Home:ALL Converter>Angular fetch data from API, want to only fect the array

Angular fetch data from API, want to only fect the array

Ask Time:2020-05-15T01:05:21         Author:Rafa29

Json Formatter

I fetch data from API in my Angular project. I receive a lot of data, but a want to choose the data fetch. I only need to fetch the "results" array. I don't know what i have to do in my function.

This is all data fetch with my function

This is my functionng

If you have a suggestion please tell me.


Author:Rafa29,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/61803201/angular-fetch-data-from-api-want-to-only-fect-the-array