Home:ALL Converter>REF Cursor support in Oracle R2DBC Driver still not released

REF Cursor support in Oracle R2DBC Driver still not released

Ask Time:2022-10-21T17:50:01         Author:Dimo Stoilov

Json Formatter

I am new to r2dbc, our case is reading a ref cursor returned by an Oracle stored procedure. As described here https://github.com/oracle/oracle-r2dbc/blob/main/README.md, this can be done like this:

Publisher<Result> executeProcedure(Connection connection) {
    connection.createStatement("BEGIN example_procedure(:cursor_parameter); END;")
              .bind("cursor_parameter", Parameters.out(OracleR2dbcTypes.REF_CURSOR))

However, it seems the OracleR2dbcTypes.REF_CURSOR constant (and the ref cursor support in general) is not released yet. It is not available in version 1.0.0 (the last one). It was introduced with the following commit:

Michael-A-McMahon committed on Sep 15 1 parent e8fc172 commit c4f7e2be06aa9083451f4c6b67162c2ae460c0b2

My question is: when is the ref cursor support planned to be released? Until then, is it possible somehow to bind the cursor, and read it from the result?

Author:Dimo Stoilov,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/74151832/ref-cursor-support-in-oracle-r2dbc-driver-still-not-released