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C - Linked list implementation of Stack, having trouble with pop() function?

Ask Time:2020-06-22T07:30:20         Author:cantcode4mylife

Json Formatter

My push function works fine, but when I pop the last integer entered into my stack, first the last integer changes to zero then if I pop it again it changes to some garbage integer (this is what is showing when running it in the console). I'm guessing it has to do something in pop() where I am not freeing the node correctly..

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

typedef struct node{
    int data;
    struct node* next;

Node* push(Node* root, int value){

    Node* temp = malloc(sizeof(Node));
    temp->data = value;
    temp->next = NULL;

    if(root == NULL){
        root = temp;
        temp->next = root;
        root = temp;
    return root;

int pop(Node* root){

    if(root == NULL){
        printf("nothing to pop, stack is already empty.\n");
        return -1;

    Node* temp = root;
    root = root->next;
    int returnValue = temp->data;

    return returnValue;

int peek(Node* root){

    if(root == NULL){
        printf("Stack is currently empty.\n");
        return -1;
    return root->data;

int isEmpty(Node* root){

    if(root == NULL){
        return 1;
    return 0;

void display(Node* root){
    printf("List: ");
    while(root != NULL){
        printf("%d ", root->data);
        root = root->next;

int main(){

    Node* root = NULL;

    int data, choice;
    printf("\n\nMenu: (1)Push   (2)Pop   (3)Exit\n\n");

        printf("Enter choice: ");
        scanf("%d", &choice);

        if(choice == 1){
            printf("Enter data to push: ");
            scanf("%d", &data);
            root = push(root, data);

        if(choice == 2){

        if(choice == 3){

    return 0;

Don't know where I'm going wrong!

Author:cantcode4mylife,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/62505536/c-linked-list-implementation-of-stack-having-trouble-with-pop-function

Your code is totally correct, only problem is that whenever you are making a pop() request ,the values are getting changed only for the local root variable of pop() function. this won't change your actual root Node and that's why it is showing undesirable output\nNo big deal, it can be resolved in two ways:\n\nYou make your root variable/structure global so that every function can access it directly. also you don't need to pass your it in every function\n\nfetch the updated value of the local root of the pop() function and assign it to your\nactual root variable. just like you did in your push operation.\n\n\nI hope this was helpful.",