Home:ALL Converter>Update the value for key inside the JSON in MYSQL

Update the value for key inside the JSON in MYSQL

Ask Time:2019-02-24T14:51:38         Author:

Json Formatter

I have JSON with a similar structure in MySQL database.

  "name": "Signature",
  "key": "Signature",
  "children": [
     "name": "Signature",
     "key": "Signature"
     "name": "SignerUUID",
     "key": "SignerUUID"

I want to update the value against the name field inside the children JSON for key Signature like below

  "name": "Signature",
  "key": "Signature",
  "children": [
     "name": "SignHere",
     "key": "Signature"
     "name": "SignerUUID",
     "key": "SignerUUID"

How can I update the above value in an efficient way?

Author:,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/54849488/update-the-value-for-key-inside-the-json-in-mysql