Home:ALL Converter>ORACLE - select data from VARRAY OF REF Object

ORACLE - select data from VARRAY OF REF Object

Ask Time:2020-11-08T20:04:27         Author:Francisco Belda

Json Formatter

I am using ORACLE and want to access an Object of an array with REF. This is my Structure:

create type articulo as object (
    codigo_barras number,
    nombre varchar2(100),
    precio number,
    categoria varchar2(100),
    stock number

create table almacen of articulo(
    codigo_barras primary key

create table estanteria(
    identificador varchar2(10) primary key ,
    pasillo number,
    seccion character,
    producto ref articulo scope is almacen

create type lista as VARRAY(5) of REF articulo;

create table escaparate(
  tablon number primary key ,
  lista_productos lista

insert into almacen values (1,'Destornillador',5,'Herramientas',20);
insert into almacen values (2,'Llave inglesa',12,'Herramientas',30);
insert into almacen values (3,'Martillo',16,'Herramientas',20);
insert into almacen values (4,'Soplete',24,'Maquinaria',5);
insert into almacen values (5,'Radial',35,'Maquinaria',10);

insert into estanteria
select 1,1,'A',ref(a)
from almacen a
where a.CODIGO_BARRAS=1;

insert into estanteria
select 2,3,'B',ref(a)
from almacen a
where a.CODIGO_BARRAS=4;

insert into escaparate
select 1,lista(REF(a1),REF(a2))
FROM almacen a1, almacen a2
where a1.CODIGO_BARRAS=1 and a2.CODIGO_BARRAS=2;

The problem i s when i try to access escaparate, can't reach data from the VARRAY of REFS. Tried this:

select e.tablon, t.nombre
from escaparate e, table( e.lista_productos ) t;

Author:Francisco Belda,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/64737848/oracle-select-data-from-varray-of-ref-object