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ElasticSearch on Azure - VM Availability Set vs Scale Set

Ask Time:2021-01-21T06:23:01         Author:Stpete111

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We've deployed an ElasticSearch cluster via Azure Marketplace (the "Self-Managed" flavor) it deploys the cluster as a VM Availability Set. However, we want to be able to scale up the number of data nodes when needed, similar to how we can do with our other VM Scale Sets (very easy to accomplish in Azure). Reading the article here: https://www.elastic.co/blog/deploying-elasticsearch-on-microsoft-azure (see the last paragraph of the "Availability" section), it even mentions taking this approach, although it doesn't give instructions on how to accomplish this (the Scale Sets link just leads to a general description of VM scale sets).

Does anyone know how to get ElasticSearch set up in Azure as a Scale Set instead of Availability Set?

Author:Stpete111,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65818559/elasticsearch-on-azure-vm-availability-set-vs-scale-set