Home:ALL Converter>How to REFERENCE one collection from another collection in MongoDB using json schema validation

How to REFERENCE one collection from another collection in MongoDB using json schema validation

Ask Time:2021-03-12T05:11:19         Author:shafia askari

Json Formatter

I have read many articles, posts, and stack overflow solutions for understanding how to reference one collection from another collection using JSON schema validation in MongoDB. I would appreciate it if you can give the solution to the problem with an example of how referencing works in JSON schema validation for MongoDB

Note: This is not an actual data model but something similar to the problem I am trying to solve Q1) I have students' data and each student can have many courses. The student collection JSON schema is:

validator: { $jsonSchema: {
bsonType: "object",
required:["name", "dob", "course"],
properties: {
name :{ 
bsonType: "string",
age :{ 
bsonType: "int",
bsonType: "string",
 ### reference the courses collection to store data 

and the courses collection JSON schema is this:

validator: { $jsonSchema: {
bsonType: "object",
properties: {
name :{ 
bsonType: "string",
bsonType: "string",

bsonType : "int",
maxLength: 2

I do not want to embed the course collection in the student collection but reference the course collection from the student collection. How can I do this in JSON schema for Mongo DB since $ref cannot be used to link two collections in JSON schema in MongoDB?

I would also appreciate links explaining the solution to this problem with a SCHEMA DESIGN example.

Note: I have gone through the whole MongoDB documentation, and JSON schema documentation to find a solution to this problem.

Author:shafia askari,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66590603/how-to-reference-one-collection-from-another-collection-in-mongodb-using-json-sc