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Mongodb text search for large collection

Ask Time:2015-06-10T10:06:09         Author:suman j

Json Formatter

Given below collection which has potential for ~18 million documents. I need a search functionality on the payload part of the document. Because of the large volume of data, will it create performance issues if I create a text index on the payload field in the document? Are there any known performance issues when the collection contains millions of documents?

    "_id" : ObjectId("5575e388e4b001976b5e570d"),
    "createdDate" : ISODate("2015-06-07T05:00:34.040Z"),
    "env" : "prod",
    "messageId" : "my-message-id-1",
    "payload" : "message payload typically 500-1000 bytes of string data"

I use MongoDB 3.0.3

Author:suman j,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/30745908/mongodb-text-search-for-large-collection
Jeffrey A. Gochin :

I believe that is exactly what NoSQL DB were designed to do; give you quick access to a piece of data via an [inverted] index. Mongo is designed for that. NoSQL DB's like Mongo are designed to handle massive sets of data distributed across multiple nodes in a cluster. 18 million in the scope of Mongo is pretty small. You should not have any performance problems if you index property. You might want to read up on sharing also, it is key to getting the best performance out of your MongoDB.",