Home:ALL Converter>No array operations work on getLangs() from ngx-translate/core TranslateService

No array operations work on getLangs() from ngx-translate/core TranslateService

Ask Time:2022-04-13T17:28:13         Author:frIT

Json Formatter

I work on an Angular (v13) project which uses ngx-translate/core for i18n. There are multiple languages (15 currently) configured. I find the following very strange behaviour (TranslateService is injected as this.translateService):

  1. Calling this.translateService.getLangs() returns an array with the 15 language codes as expected. I can log this value or e.g. configure a dropdown select with these values.
  2. However, I can do absolutely no array operations on this value, including indexing [0] (says undefined), .length (returns 0), or for-in or for-of. No ... operator to create a new array or object with the values, no Object.assign([], langs), no Array.from() - they just return empty arrays. Let alone .map(), .forEach(), etc.
  3. typeof says object, Array.isArray() says true.

Some basic example code:

ngOnInit(): void {

shows in the console:

[] 0 undefined false false

and if I expand the [] it shows the 15 codes (including 'en'), and length: 15.


  1. Am I reading the ngx-translate documentation wrong (that what is there)?
  2. Am I using it wrong somehow due to not understanding something?
  3. Is this a bug in ngx-translate?
  4. Is this a bug in JavaScript?
  5. Is there any workaround?

Author:frIT,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/71855077/no-array-operations-work-on-getlangs-from-ngx-translate-core-translateservice