Home:ALL Converter>Replace direct RS485 to RS485 connection with Ethernet in the middle?

Replace direct RS485 to RS485 connection with Ethernet in the middle?

Ask Time:2021-09-11T19:42:03         Author:MaxG

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I have a RS-485 device connected via twisted pair to another RS-485 device. I'd like to bridge the distance via Ethernet, like so: RS485 > Ethernet > RS485

Is this possible with two RS485 to Ethernet converters?

[RS485 device] to [RS485-Ethernet] via cable to [Ethernet-RS485] to RS485

The RS-485 communication is bi-directional. As in, the master sends and asks for information. I thought of getting two USR-RS232-304 devices, which I'd like to use for this. Would these work for this purpose? What puzzles me is, one seems to be a server, the other client. Will this still allow for bi-directional comms on the RS-485 side?

I did read the manual, and while it describes the general setup of IP config and transmission parameters, I am not sure (or could not deduct from it), whether bidirectional RS485 would work or not.

Any diagrams I have seen show only one of these converters, with the other end being a virtual comport. The devices I have talking to each other are not computers, where I could load a virtual COM port; hence, my query. Maybe someone has done exactly what I am after and can share.

Author:MaxG,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/69142652/replace-direct-rs485-to-rs485-connection-with-ethernet-in-the-middle