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HAProxy with Docker Swarm

Ask Time:2021-09-28T20:43:48         Author:Aline137

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I have frontend/backend application I want to scale so I am using Docker Swarm. I understand how ingress routing mesh of docker swarm mode works, but I am confused about HAProxy coming into the picture. I would like for access point to be one host, meaning you can't access the application from other hosts. Should I turn off docker swarm loadbalancer? If so, how should I do that? Can I place loadbalancer in docker swarm, on one host (ie. manager)? If both ingress network and HAProxy were working together, wouldn't that defeating the point of having a HAProxy?

Author:Aline137,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/69361996/haproxy-with-docker-swarm