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How to update nested dynamic object javascript nodejs

Ask Time:2021-09-22T00:39:26         Author:Geek65

Json Formatter

I'm trying to dynamically update values inside a nested object like this :

mainObj = {
  'Test 1': {
    Nested1: 'value 1',
    Nested2: 'value 2',
    Nested3: 'value 3',
    Nested4: 'value 4',
    Nested5: 'value 5'
  'Test 2': {
    Nested1: 'value 1',
    Nested2: 'value 2',
    Nested3: 'value 3',
    Nested4: 'value 4',
    Nested5: 'value 5'
  'Test 3': {
    Nested1: 'value 1',
    Nested2: 'value 2',
    Nested3: 'value 3',
    Nested4: 'value 4',
    Nested5: 'value 5'

'Test X' and 'Nested X' are dynamic property names, I want to loop the object and try to update each 'value X' of each nested object.

But I always get the last iteration result for all 'Test X' object.

Here is my code :

  for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(mainObj)) {
    for (const [keyEm, valueEm] of Object.entries(mainObj[key])) {
      const count = await dbquery(key, keyEm)
      mainObj[key][keyEm] = count


The mainObj I get it from another function (not direct initialization like the example). In my code :

const mainObj = await processObj()

like this even the Math.random() solution (in the answers) is not working, I always get the last nested object values in all nested objects.

Update 2

I can console log all values correctly with keys but I can't update it.

for (const x in mainObj) {
      for (const y in mainObj[x]) {
          const count = await dbquery()
          console.log(`${x} ${y} ${count}`)

Like this I can see all the values correct : Test 1 - Nested 1 - Value from DB / Test 1 - Nested 2 - Value from DB etc...

Author:Geek65,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/69272533/how-to-update-nested-dynamic-object-javascript-nodejs