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Install Openstack on single node

Ask Time:2021-07-20T12:09:36         Author:SAKA RAM DEWASI

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I want to install Openstack on CentOS 8(single node). I am having single machine (physical machine) where I want to install all nodes of Openstack. This setup I required for simulation only not production use. I have tried to install Openstack using packstac 3 times but couldn't success. I got different issues during installation: 1.In first attempt After installation, I tried to create instance, but not getting console of instances even after it got created successfully. 2. In second attempt, during deployment of instance, network not getting allocated. 3. In third attempt, it got stuck at packstack, puppet testing only.

I have followed below 2 links: https://computingforgeeks.com/install-openstack-victoria-on-centos/


I followed each and every steps mention in the likns.

I want to create two Ubuntu VMs on Openstack.

Can someone provide me some links/video, where I can get everything which is required to install Openstack on single node and create two Ubuntu VMs and assign network to them and test the connectivity between these two VMS.

Thanks in advance.

Author:SAKA RAM DEWASI,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/68449461/install-openstack-on-single-node
ehcp :

I suggest directly installation onto Ubuntu Server.",
Carlos :

some time ago I wrote a serie of posts in which I explained in detail how to install OpenStack Rocky. The 2 first blog posts ([1] and [2]) contain commands, examples, content of configuration files that cover common scenarios and tips for the successful installation of most OpenStack services (keystone, nova, glance, etc.) in a single node, and the third post [3] describes the installation of a computing node. This 3rd post is installed in a different node for the sake of making it easier to understand how nova works, but the installation can be safely carried out in the same node than the other components.\nI find that the posts are short enough and are very easy to follow (I use that blog as my installation tips, and so I have used them for several deployments). The only caveat is that it is based on Ubuntu, but if you know about your installation, it should be easy to translate the installation to CentOS (some colleagues have used these tips for CentOS installations).",
berndbausch :

I would use official Packstack documentation. Note that you should start with a totally fresh Centos installation; i.e. don't try to install Packstack on a server where a previous installation failed (or succeeded).\nYou can also try Devstack. Its default configuration requires a smaller machine than Packstack (in my experience, 8GB RAM should be sufficient). Same remark: Start with a fresh installation of Centos or Ubuntu.\nMicrostack is another alternative. Its advantage is a very simple and quick installation; its disadvantage is a very strange (in my opinion) configuration and not a lot of documentation. However, it is suitable for your purpose. It claims to work on any Linux, Windows and MacOS; it does require snap.",