Home:ALL Converter>html textArea resize event with Angular

html textArea resize event with Angular

Ask Time:2017-11-07T21:11:45         Author:ForestG

Json Formatter

I have a row-like layout, and on the rows, there are several text areas in embedded divs, just like the following:

 <div class="row-192">
  <div class="inner">
     <textarea rows="4" cols="40"></textarea>

If the user resizes the textArea with the small triangle button, I need to adjust the current row height (and other properties) accordingly. I found some solutions in jQuery, but I need to stick to Angular directives only.

demo: http://jsfiddle.net/o0yvysL5/1/

Preferably, I would require some kind of an event, that I can subscribe to, like <textarea (resize)="resizeEvent($event)" ... but there are none.

Any ideas?

Author:ForestG,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/47158863/html-textarea-resize-event-with-angular
yurzui :

resizable.textarea.directive.ts\n\n@Directive({\n selector: 'textarea[resize]'\n})\nexport class ResizableTextAreaDirective {\n @Output() resize = new EventEmitter();\n\n width: number;\n height: number;\n\n mouseMoveListener: Function;\n\n @HostListener('mousedown', ['$event.target'])\n onMouseDown(el) {\n this.width = el.offsetWidth;\n this.height = el.offsetHeight;\n this.mouseMoveListener = this.renderer.listen('document', 'mousemove', () => {\n if (this.width !== el.offsetWidth || this.height !== el.offsetHeight) {\n this.resize.emit({ width: el.offsetWidth, height: el.offsetHeight });\n }\n });\n }\n\n @HostListener('document:mouseup')\n onMouseUp(el) {\n this.ngOnDestroy();\n }\n\n constructor(private renderer: Renderer2) {}\n\n ngOnDestroy() {\n if (this.mouseMoveListener) {\n this.mouseMoveListener();\n }\n }\n}\n\n\nUse it as follows:\n\n<textarea (resize)=\"resizeEvent($event)\"></textarea>\n\n\nStackblitz Example",