Home:ALL Converter>Merge images to video in React-Native

Merge images to video in React-Native

Ask Time:2016-08-14T21:11:12         Author:Timo Schnoelzer

Json Formatter

Using react-native for our front end I have to merge an array of (local)images into a video. This should be processed client side. So using ffmpeg / or (npm) videos how is not possible. Is there any way create a video on iOS and Android by using React-Native?

All hints welcome!

Best, Timo

Author:Timo Schnoelzer,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38942572/merge-images-to-video-in-react-native
Vladimir :

Try to use react-native-ffmpeg\n\nI had the same task. I solved it by using this module: https://github.com/tanersener/react-native-ffmpeg.\n\nAfter installation, you can use it like this: \n\nimport { RNFFmpeg } from 'react-native-ffmpeg';\n\nRNFFmpeg.execute('-i imageFilePath -i audioFilePath -c:v mpeg4 output.mp4');\n",