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Normal Mapping and Per Vertex Normal

Ask Time:2011-05-12T18:01:30         Author:Ricardo Sanchez

Json Formatter

I am fairly new to opengl programming, and I have always struggle getting the vertex normal calculations for my 3d shapes, it always depends on how I draw and calculate the triangles, so I wonder if I can avoid the normal calculations by using normal mapping?

Any help and/or reference material will be much appreciated

Author:Ricardo Sanchez,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5976349/normal-mapping-and-per-vertex-normal
datenwolf :

No you cannot avoid the normal calculations if using normal mapping. Actually you've to calculate two additional vectors for each vertex, tangent and binormal, to make normal mapping work.\n\nHowever I don't see your problem. Calculating a normal is about the easiest thing to do. Pseudocode for per face and per vertex normal calculation:\n\nforeach face in model.faces:\n face.normal = crossproduct(\n model.vertices[face.vertindex[1]].pos - model.vertices[face.vertindex[0]].pos, \n model.vertices[face.vertindex[2]].pos - model.vertices[face.vertindex[0]].pos )\n foreach v in face.vertindex:\n model.vertices[v].in_faces.append(face)\n\nforeach vertex in model.vertices:\n vertex.normal = (0,0,0)\n for face in vertex.in_faces:\n vertex.normal += face.normal\n vertex.normal = vertex.normal / length(vertex.normal)\n\ncrossproduct(v0, v1):\n return (\n v0.y * v1.z - v0.z * v1.y,\n v0.z * v1.x - v0.x * v1.z,\n v0.x * v1.y - v0.y * v1.x,\n )\n",
alxx :

Normal mapping allows to specify per-pixel normals to use in pixel shader. But these per-pixel normals usually only perturbing interpolated normals, so you need to calculate them anyway. You can get rid of vertex normals only if they would be backed up into textures.",