Home:ALL Converter>soap extension to log my webservices

soap extension to log my webservices

Ask Time:2011-07-12T18:06:20         Author:Naor

Json Formatter

I have this soap extension in order to trace my webservices:

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Web.Services.Protocols;

namespace MyLibrary.MySystem
     // Define a SOAP Extension that traces the SOAP request and SOAP
     // response for the XML Web service method the SOAP extension is
     // applied to.

    public class WebServicesTraceExtension : SoapExtension
        Stream oldStream;
        Stream newStream;
        string filename;

        // Save the Stream representing the SOAP request or SOAP response into
        // a local memory buffer.
        public override Stream ChainStream(Stream stream)
            oldStream = stream;
            newStream = new MemoryStream();
            return newStream;

        // When the SOAP extension is accessed for the first time, the XML Web
        // service method it is applied to is accessed to store the file
        // name passed in, using the corresponding SoapExtensionAttribute.   
        public override object GetInitializer(LogicalMethodInfo methodInfo, SoapExtensionAttribute attribute)
            return ((TraceExtensionAttribute)attribute).Filename;

        // The SOAP extension was configured to run using a configuration file
        // instead of an attribute applied to a specific XML Web service
        // method.
        public override object GetInitializer(Type WebServiceType)
            // Return a file name to log the trace information to, based on the
            // type.
            return "C:\\" + WebServiceType.FullName + ".log";

        // Receive the file name stored by GetInitializer and store it in a
        // member variable for this specific instance.
        public override void Initialize(object initializer)
            filename = (string)initializer;

        //  If the SoapMessageStage is such that the SoapRequest or
        //  SoapResponse is still in the SOAP format to be sent or received,
        //  save it out to a file.
        public override void ProcessMessage(SoapMessage message)
            switch (message.Stage)
                case SoapMessageStage.BeforeSerialize:
                case SoapMessageStage.AfterSerialize:
                case SoapMessageStage.BeforeDeserialize:
                case SoapMessageStage.AfterDeserialize:
                    throw new Exception("invalid stage");

        public void WriteOutput(SoapMessage message)
            newStream.Position = 0;
            FileStream fs = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Append,
            StreamWriter w = new StreamWriter(fs);

            string soapString = (message is SoapServerMessage) ? "SoapResponse" : "SoapRequest";
            w.WriteLine("-----" + soapString + " at " + DateTime.Now);
            Copy(newStream, fs);
            newStream.Position = 0;
            Copy(newStream, oldStream);

        public void WriteInput(SoapMessage message)
            Copy(oldStream, newStream);
            FileStream fs = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Append,
            StreamWriter w = new StreamWriter(fs);

            string soapString = (message is SoapServerMessage) ?
                                "SoapRequest" : "SoapResponse";
            w.WriteLine("-----" + soapString +
                        " at " + DateTime.Now);
            newStream.Position = 0;
            Copy(newStream, fs);
            newStream.Position = 0;

        void Copy(Stream from, Stream to)
            TextReader reader = new StreamReader(from);
            TextWriter writer = new StreamWriter(to);

    // Create a SoapExtensionAttribute for the SOAP Extension that can be
    // applied to an XML Web service method.
    public class TraceExtensionAttribute : SoapExtensionAttribute

        private string filename = "c:\\log.txt";
        private int priority;

        public override Type ExtensionType
            get { return typeof(WebServicesTraceExtension); }

        public override int Priority
            get { return priority; }
            set { priority = value; }

        public string Filename
                return filename;
                filename = value;

in my web.config:

        <add type="MyLibrary.MySystem.WebServicesTraceExtension, MyLibrary.MySystem"
             priority="1" group="0" />

When I execute web service and put a break point on the soap extension - nothing happens. I am using webservices with json and not with xml. How can I make this soap extension work?

Author:Naor,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6662492/soap-extension-to-log-my-webservices