Home:ALL Converter>I can not scroll in react native Application

I can not scroll in react native Application

Ask Time:2022-01-14T06:17:45         Author:AmirHossein

Json Formatter

Hello I am new React Native . I created my first application and I noticed there is problem . I can not scroll in my app . When you create a website, if the height of your elements exceeds the height of the page, you have to scroll , but in react native when my application elements exceeds the height of the page , my application doesn't scroll and I can't see any more of my application . how can I fix that ? I still didn't export apk from my application , but it happens in android emulator (genymotion) .

Author:AmirHossein,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/70703789/i-can-not-scroll-in-react-native-application
Jordan Daniels :

Please wrap your component in a ScrollView.\nShould look something like this:\n<ScrollView>\n <YourComponent />\n</ScrollView>\n",