Home:ALL Converter>SQL Server 2008 List rows with a duplicate value

SQL Server 2008 List rows with a duplicate value

Ask Time:2013-02-02T03:25:41         Author:keepitreall89

Json Formatter

I have a SQL server (2008 R2) that stores metadata for files in a table. Each file has its own Row, and each file has an MD5 calculated and stored for it. I want to print a list of files where the MD5 value occurs more than once in the server, so I can go through and identify files that have been duplicated over time and decide which one to delete. I have a rather messy command full of several inner joins that I found works for my MySQL server from a few years ago, but modifying it to SQL Server hasn't worked for me yet. Any one know of any easier ways to do this? below is the modified MySQL command I was trying. Thanks

select [IGCSlidesDB].[dbo].[FilePath]
, [IGCSlidesDB].[dbo].[FileSize]
, [IGCSlidesDB].[dbo].[MD5] from [IGCSlidesDB].[dbo].[MD5Tool]
inner join ( select 
    [IGCSlidesDB].[dbo].[MD5] from [IGCSlidesDB].[dbo].[MD5Tool] group by [MD5] having count(*)>1) 
as t2 on ([IGCSlidesDB].[dbo].[MD5Tool].[MD5]=[t2].[MD5])
order by [IGCSlidesDB].[dbo].[MD5Tool].[FilePath];

Author:keepitreall89,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14653578/sql-server-2008-list-rows-with-a-duplicate-value
Lamak :

Try this:\n\n;WITH CTE AS\n(\n SELECT *, \n COUNT(*) OVER(PARTITION BY [MD5]) Total\n FROM [IGCSlidesDB].[dbo].[MD5Tool]\n)\nSELECT *\nFROM CTE \nWHERE Total > 1\n",
sgeddes :

If I'm understanding you correctly, for each MD5 in your MD5Tool table that is duplicated, you want to return those rows?\n\nGive this a try:\n\nSELECT M.FilePath, M.FileSize, M.MD5\nFROM MD5Tool M\nINNER JOIN ( \n SELECT MD5 FROM MD5Tool GROUP BY MD5 HAVING COUNT(*)>1\n) M2 ON M.MD5 = M2.MD5\nORDER BY M.FilePath;\n\n\nAnd here is the SQL Fiddle.\n\nGood luck.",