Home:ALL Converter>Possible to Create 64-bit Add-in for VBA IDE using IDTExtensibility2?

Possible to Create 64-bit Add-in for VBA IDE using IDTExtensibility2?

Ask Time:2012-02-29T15:33:02         Author:Chris Spicer

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Is it possible to create a COM add-in that will load into the Visual Basic Editor of Office 2010 64-bit? I can get my add-in to load into Office 2010 32-bit, but it just gets ignored by the 64 bit version.

EDIT: In my research, I am finding that a lot of the popular VBE add-ins don't work for 64 bit Office (e.g. Code Cleaner, MZ Tools, VBE tools, etc). A number of these will be because they're built in 32bit VB6, but does anyone know of any VBA IDE add-in that works in 64 bit Office?

Author:Chris Spicer,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9495192/possible-to-create-64-bit-add-in-for-vba-ide-using-idtextensibility2