Home:ALL Converter>VSTO Word add-in DLL loading error

VSTO Word add-in DLL loading error

Ask Time:2013-07-10T23:25:14         Author:JessMcintosh

Json Formatter

I've created a word add-in, which uses one of my DLL's. The application works fine when I'm running it in Visual Studio (both debug or release mode), however when I try starting Word on it's own (and the add-in is still present) and then proceed to trigger a method which loads the DLL, I get a DLL error as shown in the picture below. I'm quiet certain that the problem is not related to x86/x64 compatibility issues as I've set the platform target to x86 for all projects. (The version of Word used for testing is also 32-bit). Any ideas as to what the problem might be will be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance!

enter image description here

Author:JessMcintosh,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17574691/vsto-word-add-in-dll-loading-error