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unix2dos equivalent in linux

Ask Time:2012-05-18T22:16:56         Author:Sachin Chourasiya

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I am planning to migrate my application coded in C/C++ and running on UNIX to Linux Suse 11.1. I have some places where unix2dos is used. I knew that flip is alternative to unix2dos in linux. Please let me know is there any risk involved in using flip on linux as unix2dos equivalent?

Author:Sachin Chourasiya,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10654306/unix2dos-equivalent-in-linux
Bee Kay :

CentOS no longer includes it in a default distro, but is readily available.\n\nCommand:\n\nyum install unix2dos\n\n\nYou may as well install its mirror image, dos2unix\n\nyum install dos2unix\n\n\nFor some reason, saving 35k of space on a distro was that important, so we can keep updating threads like this.\n\n:| have an edited day.",
octopusgrabbus :

Most Linux distributions I know of include unix2dos and dos2unix. As of Ubuntu 10.04, these utilities were dropped from the default installation, but were easily added by installing to tofrodos package using the following command.\n\nsudo aptitude install tofrodos\n\nTo date, both Red Hat and its non-branded CentOS cousins have always contained these utilities. ",
Erwin Waterlander :

On Ubuntu dos2unix is in the Universe repository.\nsudo apt-get install dos2unix\n\nSee also http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search_packages.pl?keywords=dos2unix&searchon=names&version=all&release=all\n\nLinux Mint: http://community.linuxmint.com/software/view/dos2unix\n\nThe risk of flip is that you might convert Unix line breaks to DOS line breaks, while you expected the opposite.",