Home:ALL Converter>Google search on browser and google search via the custom search api give different results for the same query

Google search on browser and google search via the custom search api give different results for the same query

Ask Time:2012-06-24T19:16:42         Author:elssar

Json Formatter

I have a python program that takes the md5 & sha1 hash values of passwords and searches for them on the internet using Google's custom search api. The problem is that I'm getting 0 results(which means the hash probably isn't in a rainbow table) when I run the program. But when I searched using my browser, I get a whole bunch of results, in fact at least 10 pages of results.

Could the problem lie in the cx value I used? I picked it up from the sample program provided by google as I couldn't figure out how to get one for myself. Or does the custom search api give only selected results and it's futile trying to get more results from it?

Author:elssar,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11176985/google-search-on-browser-and-google-search-via-the-custom-search-api-give-differ
Szpilona :

I know it's pretty old post but it is still returned very high in google results so a little bit of clarification:\n\n\nYou can create your own CSE in here: https://www.google.com/cse/ .\nAPI codes can be created using API console: https://cloud.google.com/ .\nUsing Google Custom Search you can search the whole Web: go to the system from point 1, from the menu on the left choose the CSE to edit, then in the Configuration -> Basics -> Sites select the option to search the whole Web and finally remove previously specified sites.\nStill using CSE you might not get the same results as using live google as it does not include google features (real-time results, social features etc.) and once you specify more than 10 sites to look on it can actually use sub-index. More information can be found in here: https://support.google.com/customsearch/answer/70392?hl=en\n",