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Load scrollable div at bottom

Ask Time:2014-03-12T16:27:13         Author:Tako

Json Formatter

I'm developing a chat in javascript (angularjs without jQuery), and I would like to know if it's possible to load a scrollable div to the bottom.

I'm aware about the scrollTo js property, but in my case it's not satisfying.

First of all it's not a really good user experience to see the div scrolled to the bottom and furthermore I use onscroll (to top) pagination. So if my div is loaded to his top when triggered a scroll a new page will be loaded.

Layout of my screen

In outline I would something close to facebook chat windows.

If anybody know how to do that in an elegant way, thanks in advance.


Another constraints is that the chat message are loaded asynchronously, so if I only wait for the DOM to be loaded I scroll to the bottom of my empty div

Author:Tako,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22345785/load-scrollable-div-at-bottom
Philipp Nowinski :

I'm not sure if this is what you're looking for, but if your chat window is a div with overflow: scroll set (like the FB Chat), wouldn't it work if you set the scrollTop property?\n\nThis should set the new scrolling position immediately, so you shold not see any transition.\n\nI created a little CodePen to demonstrate it: http://codepen.io/anon/pen/dpkxl",
SW4 :

Why not do:\n\nvar yourEl= document.getElementById(\"yourEl\");\nyourEl.scrollTop = yourEl.scrollHeight;\n\n\nAnd call it every time new content is added to the div (yourEl) in question?",
Arjun :

you can use this for scrolling a div to bottom\n\n$(\"element\").animate({scrollTop : $(\"element\").height()},1);\n",