Home:ALL Converter>iBatis Error parsing XML After I moved my code from WebSphere under Windows to WebSphere under AIX

iBatis Error parsing XML After I moved my code from WebSphere under Windows to WebSphere under AIX

Ask Time:2014-02-11T16:27:58         Author:Ahmad

Json Formatter

I am facing an issue while starting my application after I moved my code from WebSphere 7 under Windows to WebSphere 7 under AIX. the error is:

Error occurred.  Cause: com.ibatis.common.xml.NodeletException: Error parsing XML.  Cause: java.lang.RuntimeException: Error parsing XPath '/sqlMapConfig/sqlMap'.  Cause: java.io.IOException: Could not find resource com/ebla/workflow/integration/frontEndDB/resources/config/sqlmap/companyAnnouncement.xml

This is the config file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

<!DOCTYPE sqlMapConfig
        PUBLIC "-//ibatis.apache.org//DTD SQL Map Config 2.0//EN"

    <settings useStatementNamespaces="true"/>
     <transactionManager  type="JDBC">
        <dataSource type="JNDI">
     <property name ="DataSource" value="JNDI/eserviceDB"/>
    <sqlMap resource="com/ebla/workflow/integration/frontEndDB/resources/config/sqlmap/companyAnnouncement.xml"/>

This is the resource file:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!-- Tomcat Settings -->
<!DOCTYPE sqlMap PUBLIC "-//iBATIS.com//DTD SQL Map 2.0//EN" "http://www.ibatis.com/dtd/sql-map-2.dtd">

<sqlMap namespace="companyAnnouncementSQLMap">

Author:Ahmad,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21696653/ibatis-error-parsing-xml-after-i-moved-my-code-from-websphere-under-windows-to-w