Home:ALL Converter>iOS7 UITableViewStyleGrouped section header font style name?

iOS7 UITableViewStyleGrouped section header font style name?

Ask Time:2014-05-20T10:18:25         Author:JackyJohnson

Json Formatter

All the answers I've seen so far are basically for pre-iOS7 (using systemFontStyle or boldSystemFontStyle). That doesn't correspond to the default capitalized section title font in UITableViewStyleGrouped.

I've had to implement the UITableViewDelegate method that return the custom section header view and want to know the font Apple uses to capitalize section titles.

Author:JackyJohnson,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/23750001/ios7-uitableviewstylegrouped-section-header-font-style-name