Home:ALL Converter>Remove empty HTML tags from a file using sed

Remove empty HTML tags from a file using sed

Ask Time:2014-10-22T13:35:33         Author:Hammadzafar

Json Formatter

I have looked a lot to find the solution but could not find one. I know how to remove all tags using sed but I need to remove only those HTML tags that are empty or have just tabs or spaces in them and also remove tags explicitly. For example:

<p></p>  or <p>    </p> 

I used the following command to remove all the HTML tags, it works properly but I don't want to remove all tags.

sed -e 's/<[^>]*>//g' myfile.html

same command is used here. Kindly help me out.

Author:Hammadzafar,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/26500903/remove-empty-html-tags-from-a-file-using-sed
Avinash Raj :

You could use the below sed command to remove only the empty tags.\n\nsed 's/<[^\\/][^<>]*> *<\\/[^<>]*>//g' file\n\n\nThrough Perl,\n\nperl -pe 's/<([^<>]*)>\\s*<\\/\\1>//g' file\n",