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Django model not saving to database

Ask Time:2014-05-08T11:09:53         Author:Dave851

Json Formatter

Ok, a project that a small team I am working on is new to django and developing a webapp, when all of a sudden we lost all ability to add a model object into the database. We are all at a complete loss. Below is where we are in debugging currently.


def postOp(request):
    if request.method == 'POST':
        operation = request.POST.get("operation","noop")

        #Registered user operations
        if request.user.is_authenticated():
            username = request.session.get("member","Guest")
            user = ToolUser.objects.get(name=username)
            zipcode = user.location
            if operation == "addTool":
               toolName = request.POST.get("toolName","N/A")
               toolDesc = request.POST.get("toolDesc","N/A")
               print("In addtools")
               user.submitTool(toolName, toolDesc)
               return HttpResponseRedirect("tools")


def submitTool(self, Nname, Ndescription):
        print("IN SUBMIT ")
        t = Tool(name=Nname, owner=self.id, shed=self.id, description=Ndescription, currOwner=0, location=self.location)
    print("tool made :", t.name, ", ", t.owner, ", ", t.shed, ", ", t.description, \
                      ", ",t.currOwner ,", ", t.location)
    print("saving tool")

It appears that it gets all the way to the t.save(), then breaks. using a seperate tool to view the database, it is clearly not getting saved to the table. BUT with the following output to the terminal, it does appear to be creating this instance.

terminal output:

In addtools


tool made : tooltest , 2 , 2 , description , 0 , 12345

EDIT: forgot to update this, found the problem, turns out one field was empty, and django refuses to save something that has empty fields.

Author:Dave851,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/23532059/django-model-not-saving-to-database