Home:ALL Converter>Wordpress translation to Hindi not working at the Admin-end

Wordpress translation to Hindi not working at the Admin-end

Ask Time:2015-01-04T16:08:14         Author:Arvind K.

Json Formatter

I did the following.. I copied language files i.e. hi_IN.mo and hi_IN.po to wp-content/languages folder. Then i made changes to wp_config.php file, which is located in root folder. I replace define (‘WPLANG’, ”); by define (‘WPLANG’, ‘hi_IN’);

Next, I went to Admin > Settings > General and chose Site Language=> hi_IN and saved it. Then i reloaded the website but it didn't not translate anything to Hindi. In .po file I can see translation such as:

msgid "Title"
msgstr "शीर्षक"


msgid "Tags"
msgstr "टैग"

but it does not show the translation at the back-end. The only translation i can see is for Contact Form 7 plugin which I believe is coming from the plugin itself, which means that the WP is set to have hi_IN as the default language. I am not sure why the back-end is not showing other core translations which are placed in the hi_IN.po and/or hi_IN.mo files. Please help if you know something about it. Website is http://jogindernagar.com.

Author:Arvind K.,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27763660/wordpress-translation-to-hindi-not-working-at-the-admin-end